+603 6208 5813
Adjunct Professor with Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) and Chairs the Taxation Section of LAWASIA LH Advocates & Solicitors, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Academic Background/ Professional Qualifications
LLB (Honours), University of London
LLM in Taxation, London School of Economics and Political Science
M.Sc in Development Planning, University College London
Bar Vocational Course, Nottingham Law School
Advocate & Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya
Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple)
Practice Areas
Income Tax
Tax Litigation & Dispute Resolution Proceedings
Tax Advisory & Planning
Tax Audit & Investigation
Transfer Pricing & Thin Capitalisation
International Tax (including cross-border transaction tax & double taxation issues and withholding tax)
Goods & Services Tax
GST Litigation
GST Legal Advisory
GST Audit & Investigation
Anti Profiteering
Real Property Gains Tax
Petroleum Income Tax
Customs Duty, Excise Duty & Anti-Dumping Duty
Stamp Duty
Private Clients
Notable Transactions Allowance for export increase
Allowance for export increase
Anti-dumping duty
Appeal process
Appeal against own assessment
Business promotion expenses
Capital allowance
Class of income
Compensation for land compulsorily acquired
Customs valuation & classification
Deduction of bad loan recovery expenses
Deduction of financing costs
Deduction of management fees
Deduction of warranty expenses
Dispute resolution proceedings
Foreign source income
Industrial building allowance
Labuan business activity
Overpayment of tax
PenaltyPetroleum income tax
Pioneer status/Investment tax allowance
Procedural matters
Real property gains tax and real property company
Recognition of income
Reinvestment allowance
Release of debt
Revenue v capital expenditure
Sales tax
Service tax
Stamp duty
Tax avoidance
Taxation of land transaction
Timber license fee
Time barred assessments
Transfer pricing
Unjust enrichment & interest against the revenue
Valuation of stock in trade
Withdrawal of stock
Withholding tax